Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dear God,

On this Thanksgiving day, just a few things I want to acknowledge.
* Thanks God, for placing me in this most awesome family. It's a perfect fit (as you know) and I love them all, even the weird ones. Give Dan a hug for me, I miss him.
* And especially thank you God, for my children. They make my heart swell with love and pride every time I think of them. Ok, some times they can be a pain in the..; well you know, but they're the best kids in the world, even at their worst.
* Thank you God, for giving me the capacity to believe in you. As you know, there have been times in my life, where my faith was shaken, but then you go and do something totally awesome, and I love you for that.
* And God, I know it's your world and you control the seas I sail, but thanks for letting me steer the ship.

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