Monday, October 26, 2009

bye bye 40's

It's the last day of my forties. All in all, it's been a pretty good decade. I've seen a lot of cool places, met some pretty awesome folks, survived some pretty crazy stuff, and changed my entire life.
Top 5: Of course, Darryll. Seeing my kids make it to adulthood successfully. Getting my degree from Va Wesleyan. Staying close to my family.
On the low side: the car crash (wow, that was bad!). the ruptured disc (that was really bad too). moving too many times (moving sucks). my weight STILL a little too much. That nagging feeling that I'm not getting enough done.
I can't help feeling a little sad today. It's kind of like I've lost an old friend. Oprah said your 40's are better than your 30's, and she's right. She also said your 50's are better than your 40's, so I'm going with that. Given that physically I'm feeling pretty good, I have no reason to doubt it. Maybe my head will feel better in a week or so (sigh).

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